Meet the authors

 Jean Herring has had a lifelong interest in quitting things. Not being afraid to quit anything has resulted in trying new things. Along the way, she spent 25 years reading books with children as a mother, a daycare provider, and a kindergarten educator. Now turning her attention to writing her own picture books she hopes to inspire children to quit things, yes, but also to never be afraid to try new things. She has 4 children, and lives in Iowa with her husband.


Shannon Triplett as a child frequently got caught hiding flashlights under her pillow to read past bedtime, which was one the first signs of her lifelong obsession with reading and writing. Inspired by her mom, Jean Herring, to quit anything that she only liked but didn’t love, she’s now very happy to be doing the thing she loves…working as a writer in Los Angeles under the Hollywood sign.

 Meet the illustrator

Brigid Malloy


Brigid's website!


Brigid's instagram!

Hi! I'm Brigid, and I'm a children's book illustrator who specializes in drawing cute critters.

I graduated from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design with a bachelor's degree in illustration, and I also minored in communication design. Since then, I've been working as an illustrator for children's books, marketing materials, and other projects.

I grew up in a family of ten kids—and we're still close today! 

My hobbies are mostly centered around coffee—I'm an addict—and visiting local breweries: I love that you can get to know the community when you go to the brewery next door.