
Getting children's books reviewed can make or break the book - Thank you for your help!!

We are indie publishing authors, and every single review is something we call each other to celebrate. Thank you in advance for considering reviewing our book! 

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Advanced reviews

"The story's message, 'I Quit,' is both empowering and gentle, showing kids that it's okay to take a step back when they need to. It was such a refreshing message from a children's book and has sparked great conversations with our kids." -Jon & Tamara B., parents to 3 young boys San Diego, CA

"... In a refreshing twist, I Quit takes an often negatively viewed action—quitting—and turns it into the power of discovery. This book is a must read for children and parents who wonder: what activity will make me happy?"

-Ms. Armstrong, 

middle school librarian 

Seattle, WA

"As readers pick up this book and dive into it, they will see that "I Quit!" is a book about quitting, but not giving up.  It encourages readers to find something they really enjoy and continue searching until it is found."
-Britney T.teacher Waterloo, Iowa